Saturday, April 14, 2012

Reflection of Class: Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas

The daily lesson GAME plan as provided by Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer (2008) is a flexible and easy to use template for teachers.  Educators can use as much or as little detail according to their particular needs.  As a veteran teacher, I do not need to write out everything for a lesson, but I found the GAME plan helpful in preparing for my students’ needs.  At the beginning of each year, I require my students to teach the class a topic with which they learned the previous year as a review.  I have provided my students with a lesson plan template in the past, but none of them chose to use it.  Next year, I am going to require that my students use the GAME plan lesson template in the creation of their lessons.  I think it will assist them in staying on track and focusing on the important features of the lesson. 

As a result of this course, I have taken a lesson I have taught in the past and enhanced it to include social networking/online collaboration and digital storytelling.  I have not had the time yet to implement all three, but the problem-based learning project is progressing well in my classes.  I look forward to seeing the impact of the social networking/online collaboration and digital storytelling.  I have introduced the topics to my students and they seem genuinely interested in the projects.

I have given my students the opportunity to post on a class wiki throughout the year, but they have not taken the initiative to post anything.  I will require them to post as a result of the social networking/online collaboration project, so I hope that this will spur them to share other ideas.  Next year, when I introduce the concept of a class wiki, I will require students to post.  My students are hesitant when it comes to new technology.  They would rather not try something new, rather than make a mistake.  By requiring my students to post, I will give them the experience with new technology that will assist them with developing 21st century skills.  Technology is the future and it is my goal to prepare my students for the real world.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

M is for Monitor

This week, I am checking on my progress toward the goals I set in my GAME plan.  Monitoring the actions taken in a GAME plan is vital to the success of the goals set (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2010).  I reviewed my goals, and recognized the actions I have taken.  I did revisit the wiki which was created by me along with other Walden students.  I find that the wiki has changed drastically since I last reviewed the information.  I also find the organization to be confusing.  Some of my fellow students made organizational choices which are not my preference.  This has caused me to modify my plan slightly.  I will still post technological resources, but I will create a page on my class wiki for this content.  This way, I have control over both the content and the organization of the content.  Plus, this will allow my students and their parents to easily access the resources if they choose.  I can also share this wiki with my colleagues. 
I am the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) coordinator for my school.  Earlier in the year, I created a folder of STEM related resources.  I will combine the content on the wiki with the content in the folder.  In order for this to be a meaningful experience, I will methodically choose which resources to include, rather than simply copying and pasting. 
Once the resources are compiled, I will use the wiki as a reference when planning for instruction.  I would like to document how I use each resource as they are added.  This will be beneficial in two ways.  First, this will assist others in choosing the correct resource to enhance instruction.  Secondly, this will allow me to decide whether or not to use the activities in the future.  It is easy to get overwhelmed and to forget what resources were used for which activities.  I hope that documenting my ideas and activities in the wiki will allow for the appropriate organization for the content.
Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

GAME Plan - next step

Now that I have set goals for incorporating more engaging instructional learning experiences and sharing those lessons, it is time to take action.  I created a wiki with some Walden colleagues for a previous class.  In the wiki, we reviewed resources for integrating technology into instruction.  Some of the resources were content specific, but some could be used in any content area.  It is now time to revisit the wiki for two purposes.  First, I would like to see which resources may have been added since I last visited the wiki.  Second, I would like to add the resources I have discovered since that time. 
Another action I will take is to review some resources which have been suggested to me through discussion in my current graduate class.  Just this week, I was told about two web sites which allow students to show their learning through creative means.  The web sites are and 
I have started this process and I must remember to monitor my progress.  I also need to be careful to not get overwhelmed with too many resources.  The technology must fit and not be forced.  I need to remember to look to my curriculum to plan to use these resources where and when appropriate.  As Thompson mentions, technology should be used to enrich lessons, not become the objective (Laureate Education Inc., 2011). 

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program four: Enriching Content Area Learning Experiences With Technology, Part 2 [Video webcast]. In Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas.  Retrieved from

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Effective educators are life-long learners.  It is important for teachers to continue their education by setting goals and being self-directed.  Dr. Cennamo suggests organizing a GAME plan in order to achieve this (Laureate Education Inc., 2011).  The GAME plan includes setting goals, taking action, monitoring progress, and then evaluating the process.  One of my major goals as an educator is to meet students at their level and foster individual growth.  This aligns with the NETS-T standard 2c: custominzing and personalizing learning activities to meet the needs of the students using digital resources (2008). Through the integration of technology, I have had some success.  Online tools such as the Khan Academy and Study Island have enabled my students to learn and practice new concepts at their own pace.  This is a student-centered enrironment where my role is more of a coach than the focal point.  I wish to continue to find similar resources as well as online simulations to engage my students.  I plan to look to my colleagues both in my school and my district for such resources.  I will send an email to all themath teachers at my school and other schools in the county to ask for resources.  Once I compile a list of resources, I will take some time to explore which tools are appropriate for my students.  I will then look at my curriculum to see where the tools could enhance my instruction.  If I see connections, I will add the resources to my wiki which was created for collaboration of integrating technology into classroom instruction.  I will share this wiki with those interested.  Compiling and sharing this information correlates with the NETS-T standard 5a: participating in learning communities with the goal of integrating technological resources.  I have already started this process because it connects to my professional learning goal as an educator, so I am likely to reach my goal. 
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program one: Promoting Self-Directed Learning With Technology [Video webcast]. In Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas.  Retrieved from